Reformed Christian Singles

6/11/2022by admin
Reformed Christian Singles 9,9/10 7336 reviews

What we mean by “Reformed”. Reformed theology gets its name from the sixteenth-century Protestant Reformation. Believers in the Reformed tradition regard highly the specific contributions of such people like Martin Luther, John Knox, and particularly John Calvin. However, Reformed theology was not“invented” in the sixteenth century.

A post in this thread about the band Blackball got me thinking about Christian artists who are theologically Reformed. It occurs to me that a huge number of Christian musicians attend Scotty Smith’s church outside Nashville and that is a Presbyterian Church, but it seems there is a vast difference between attending a Prebyterian Church and holding (and claiming) Reformed theology. So I am wondering, what are some of the Reformed artists out there?

To head-off the criticism before it comes, I do not wish to say that these artists are better than non-Reformed ones. I just happen to love the Reformed faith and am wondering what musicians share it.

Reformed christian singles retreat

Here are a few I can think of off-hand (with a bit of information about each):

Christian Reformed Singles is part of the dating network, which includes many other general and christian dating sites. As a member of Christian Reformed Singles, your profile will automatically be shown on related christian dating sites or to related users in the network at no additional charge. Our Christian Reformed singles are looking for relationships, where Christ is the center. So, if your faith is important to you, a dating service such as ours is the best option for you. We've had over 25,000 marriages, so wouldn't you want to be part of a meetup site that has successfully connected unattached folks since 1999? Founded In 2004. In 2004, Dean Scott acted on his vision to bring Reformed single Christian men and women together in faith-based relationships worldwide. Using the power of the internet and the idea of internet dating for couples, Sovereign Grace Singles was introduced. Dean, a couple of years later met his beloved wife Karen here on SGS. A post in this thread about the band Blackball got me thinking about Christian artists who are theologically Reformed. It occurs to me that a huge number of Christian musicians attend Scotty Smith’s church outside Nashville and that is a Presbyterian Church, but it seems there is a vast difference between attending a Prebyterian Church and holding (and claiming) Reformed theology.

  • Derek Webb – Just check out the Resources section at his Web site
  • Caedmon’s Call (though perhaps Webb was the only Reformed member and he is no longer part of the band).
  • Precious Death – Their album covers often had Reformed creeds written in them. Their self-titled album had a list of “Fifteen great books in no particular order” that included titles by Packer, Sproul, Calvin, Owens, Hodge (both A.A. and Charles), Boetner, etc.
  • Blackball – Christopher Scott who was lead vocalist and songwriter for Blackball was also lead writer and singer for Precious Death (see above).
  • Steve Camp – Wrote an album based on Piper’s book Desiring God and has often identified himself as Reformed.

That is all I can think of at the moment. Care to add any?

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Did you know there is actually a “Sovereign Grace Singles” dating site for Christian singles? Oh, wait a minute, Sovereign Grace Singles ( is not for all single Christians, but only for those who hold to a Reformed theological point of view. Sovereign Grace Singles even uses this Scripture from Amos 3:3 to back up their point of view: ‘Can two walk together except they be agreed?’ How outrageous, sad…and unbiblical! Check out this quote on the Sovereign Grace Singles chat room page:

Us reformed christian singles connection center

Reformed Christian Singles

“As Calvinists we worship, it seems, a different God, or at least, we have a much different God-concept. Have you ever become frustrated because it is hard to find someone Theologically/Philosophically like-minded?”

We Are All Sovereign Grace Singles

There is enough division in the world and hatred toward Christians, than to have Christian singles groups like Sovereign Grace Singles put up barriers against other single Christians like what I read on this site. Do Calvinists really worship a different God? Are other professing evangelical Christians so different as to be shunned as an unbeliever?

As a Reformed Christian myself, this is all news to me. The last time I checked my Bible being unequally yoked meant uniting with people who deny Jesus as Lord and Saviour. Jesus said they will know we are Christians by our love for each other. Can you imagine the impact if we actually practiced this?

~There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus~ Galations 3:28

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