Good Gay Tinder Bios

6/11/2022by admin
Good Gay Tinder Bios 8,6/10 1142 reviews

Everyone’s talking about Tinder nowadays. How it worked for this person, how it didn’t for that person– but nobody ever talks about why it does or doesn’t work for someone in the first place. Why was your friend able to score a date with a genuinely nice dude while you were tricked into coffee with a self-absorbed f*ckboy who really only came for one thing? Well, the fact of the matter is that you probably didn’t nail your bio! You either had too much or too little on it that just somehow attracted the wrong crowd, and if that’s not something you want happening again, it’s time to get your Tinder bio-writing down to a science. Read on for five tips for an award-winning Tinder bio that’ll get you in with the right crowd this time.

Why Tinder & Humor Is Such A Good Combo. Funny Tinder bios like these two examples can really boost your results on a dating app. That's because a good sense of humor is a must-have personality trait for the majority of women. In fact, women’s brains are wired to find funny guys attractive – so why not use science to your advantage? Good tinder bios – Are You Want Lot’s Of Right Swipe From Hot girls? Of Course, Everyone Wants That But The Main Problem Is, You Are Not getting Matches Because Of your Boring Tinder Bios. Tinder is Also The Place Where You get Lot’s Of Competition, You Are Not The Only Guy Against a Single Best Tinder Bio Ideas For Guys & Girls That Are So Funny, Cool And Impressive Read More ». No one reads bios, you know that.”. “No pics of them having just caught a fish,” adds Grosso. “No women I know would be turned on by the sight of a dead fish.”. Outfits and grooming. Best Tinder Bios for Boys. You ask and we tell. Here are some more bios for your Tinder profiles. Awarded #1 cuddler in. Breakfast is my second favorite thing to eat in bed #dimplegang; Enlightened cinema and respite. I’ve got my ion you #nerd. If I was a triangle I’d be an acute one. I’ve got cold feet because you’ve knocked my. Good tinder bio lines will always help you to attract more peoples out there. Mostly girls will do Swipe Left while the boys majorly do the inverse of the girls. Thus Swiping becomes an addiction, and you spend more time in Tinder application. There is also an important feature which helps people to stick with Tinder for a long time is its.


1. Be honest.

If you’re there for hook-ups only, make sure you mention it. Don’t waste anybody’s time and/or don’t have anyone waste your time!

2. Be somewhat of a mystery.

There’s no need to include everything about yourself in your bio! You can add a few hobbies or personality traits to give some possible conversation topic starters to your matches, but don’t give us your whole life story.

3. Have something funny to say.

Keep your bio light and breezy. Saying things like, “No, I won’t take you to Disneyland” is neither funny (some of us take our Disneyland very seriously! Also, who the hell is asking you to take them to Disneyland? That just sounds like a flat-out lie) nor attractive. Seriously, who hates Disney?

4. Have plenty of pictures.

Good Gay Tinder Bios Funny

Multiple pictures is important because we need multiple angles! Also, it gives us a chance to see that you have a social life, something that is important for most people. Just don’t let any of them be with an ex or an old flame. If it’s your sister or a family member, you can make a note of it in your bio, but even that looks a little weird– girls will wonder why you went through the trouble to put up a picture with your sister in the first place when you had to make a note of it just so nobody would swipe left. They’ll think you did it just to get a reaction out of them that’s just not going to be there yet (I mean, you’re still only strangers, after all). We know you’ll have friends with girls, obviously, but when every picture is you cozying up to someone else when we’re looking for our soulmate, we’ll know not to bother.

5. Be fishy.

Not in the sketchy sense, but literally: according to a study recently done by company FishBrain (a community-based app that gives you info about the best fishing locations, weather forecasts for fishing, and lets you track your catches), guys with Tinder pictures featuring recently-caught fish are found more attractive by the women swiping on them (46% of American women on Tinder, to be exact). Guess it shows that they’re a real “catch”! (Bonus: the Great Northern Tilefish was found the most appealing of all fish to women, so you’re in luck if you’ve got a picture with one!)



1. Be honest.

Just like for the fellas, it’s important to state why you’re using Tinder. “I don’t really know what I’m doing here” doesn’t work. You’re either there to hook-up or you’re looking for something more serious (or just looking for new friends). Either way, be clear about it!

Good Guy Tinder Bios

2. Don’t be boring just to look cute.

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Being fun and being cute are not mutually exclusive! You can be both! Don’t be afraid to be a goof or make a joke in your bio because you’re worried you won’t look “perfect”. You will be perfect to someone, flaws and all.

3. Have a variety of pictures.

By variety I don’t mean five of the same-pose selfies taken on different days. Throw in some group pics and fun activity pics (usually something that corresponds with what you’ve written in your bio) in addition to a couple of selfies. You’re a three-dimensional being, with hobbies and a life, so show it!

4. Link your social media.

This is, of course, an entirely optional tip, which you should only do if you feel comfortable having strangers look at your other social media accounts. If you have an Instagram, link it to your Tinder so people can see what you’re interested in without having to make a note of it, and link to your Twitter (so long as you’re not on there giving away your location 24/7, which is dangerous regardless) so guys can see what pisses you off (we all know Twitter is just one large bitchfest anyway).

Good Gay Tinder Bios Free

5. Don’t be embarrassed.

Good Gay Tinder Bios For Men

Never feel ashamed to be on Tinder! This goes for everyone. As long as you’re not awkward about it, it shouldn’t be looked at as awkward (first dates, however, are another story). Have fun, be you, and you just might live your very own Tinderella story.

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