Dating Apps For 30s

6/6/2022by admin
Dating Apps For 30s 8,3/10 9176 reviews

Dating into your 30s can seem like a lot of pressure. Family, relatives and even friends will start to wonder if you’ll ever get married.

Luckily, with the dating landscape going digital, it’s easier than ever to meet someone new. Thanks to mobile dating apps, we’re able to filter our likes and unfilter our dislikes to build the perfect guy or girl.

When you’re dating in your 30s as a woman, you’re fully aware of who you are and what you’ve got to offer. Gone are the days of waiting for immature boys to call you back or of playing dramatic games with ill-matched suitors. You’re now an established woman. You’ve got more clarity about what’s right for you than you did in your 20s. Best dating apps the new features to help you find love in the time. When you join Match, right away youre given a 100 free membership completely free dating apps for 30s and 40 somethings that Best Dating Sites For Over 40 The best free dating apps to find your soulmate when youre virtually dating. Dating is hard work, so we did some of the legwork for you by taking a deep dive into 10 of the most popular apps. We weren’t popular enough to get into The League, the dating app for celebrities. You can find the apps of most of the websites on both the Android device and the IOS device. This means that most of the dating websites have apps in both the Play Store and the App Store to make the experience of dating in your 30s easier. It is very easy to make contact and have a.

In this article, we’re going to show you the best dating apps that you can use into your 30s, to best accelerate your dating life.

Before we show the dating apps, it’s important that we clarify these dating apps that we’re going to feature are for dates, not for hook-ups. If you’re looking for hook-ups, unfortunately this list isn’t for you.

Now, let’s learn about what dating apps can help you with dating into your 30’s.

Best Dating Apps For Girls In Their 30’s


Hinge is the safest platform that we’ve found, for girls to engage with guys and have a reliable date. Hinge’s marketing campaign is the app that’s designed to be deleted.

It encourages users to delete their app, when they’ve found that special someone. Hinge works traditionally like most mobile apps, but instead of swiping, the user must tap a button a check mark or an x to move to the next user.

It will showcase 4-5 pictures, also featuring questions users may answer to showcase their personality. Hinge is known for having quality matches and little to no bots. User can experience a clean user experience, as well as a clean dating experience.

Users on Hinge are often looking for dates, so it creates an atmosphere where users are looking for the same thing; a relationship.


Bumble is a great option for females. The reason Bumble is great for females is because they are in control with this mobile dating app. Bumble, unlike other dating apps on the list, give complete control to the girl.

Men aren’t able to communicate with the women, until the woman initiates conversation first. All of the power is given to the girl on this app.

Why do they do this? Many reasons. The founder of Bumble is a woman, who used to work for Tinder. She noticed that guys initiated conversation a majority of the time, and often times it was inappropriate messaging.

In order to eliminate this, she decided to give all of the power to the girls. Now the girl can pick and choose what matches she wants to communicate with, and what matches she wants to let die out.

Bumble, however, only allows for matches to be active for 24 hours. After the 24 hours, the match disappears forever if the girl doesn’t initiate conversation.

If you’re someone who checks mobile dating apps every few days, you may want to put on the alerts and notifications on Bumble, that way you don’t miss your potential husband!

The 3rd dating app on our list for girls in their 30’s is We love Match because of the financial dedication to the app.

The two apps that we mentioned above ( Bumble & Hinge), are free for the users. Free users aren’t as dedicated to paid users. Paid users are often serious about their financial commitment, and will be using it more often.

Match also has some great filters, which allow users to filter out height, religion, and hobbies. It’s essentially a platform where you’re able to build your perfect boyfriend.

If you don’t mind spending a little bit of money on dating apps, is the perfect fit for someone who is serious about dating.

Best Dating Apps For Guys In Their 30’s


As for girls, Hinge is also a great dating app for guys. It has everything guys need in order to have a successful mobile dating app experience.

Hinge offers little to no bots, girls that are looking for relationships, and a fun/easy expereience for the user.

Conversations on Hinge often lead to dates, which then often lead to relationships. As their saying goes “The app designed to be deleted”, Hinge doesn’t favor between man or woman, it’s a completely nerutral app.

If you’re a guy in your 30’s, and are looking for a mobile dating app to start dating, we recommend checking out Hinge.

As mentioned above for the girls, is a great dating app for both girls and guys that want a serious relationship. The financial committment to use the app, is enough for users to take dating seriously and take the whole process with intent. also allows you to filter out matches so you’re able to get the girl of your dreams, based on your search criteria.

We recommend trying out at least for one month, just to see how you like it before you proceed with further plans.


OkCupid is a great alternative for guys. One of the best features on OkCupid is it’s compatiblity score. Based on the questions you answer, it will pair you up with other users who are similar.

For instance, if you’re an introvert, it will try to match you up with people who are like-minded.


Best Dating Apps For 30s

The interface is super easy to use pictures, likes and conversation are all neatly assembled along the bottom of the app.

30 million users, fastest growing mobile dating apps says it all. Variety on this mobile dating app allows for the user to not see the same person, based on the age range they set.

We recommend trying out OkCupid if you’re looking for a realistic and long term relationship.

Dating apps for your 30s


Dating apps are meant to help accelerate and make the dating life much easier. Stress shouldn’t be a part of finding your true love.

Top dating apps for 30s

Our list of best mobile dating apps for guys and girls differ, however the similar point is Hinge. Hinge can be great for both parties, as it’s designed to be deleted.

What’s your favorite mobile dating app? Do you think we missed a dating app? Let us know in the comment section below!


There are so many ways to relish being single in your 30s and 40s: investing quality time into your platonic relationships, indulging in much needed solo reflection, practicing self-care by way of spontaneous matinees or days devoted to pampering, and diving deep into your career journey. Loving and being comfortable with yourself on your own is likely the best homework you can do if you're eventually looking to step into the dating world. And when you are ready to meet potential partners, a slew of fairly intuitive dating apps are here to make meeting people just a little easier.

That said, as anyone who's waded through those waters knows, dating via apps isn't always as simple as swiping right. While there's arguably no right or wrong way to date, relationship experts have been weighing on the subject to help singles learn how to make the most out of using Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, or whatever your preferred app is.

One such guru is Dr. Chloe Carmichael, a NYC-based psychologist and author of Dr. Chloe's 10 Commandments of Dating. Dr. Carmichael has dedicated a significant part of her practice to helping singles in search of a partner navigate the often murky waters that are the dating world — without totally losing their minds. Ahead, find a few of her best tips for making dating apps work for — not against — you.

Consult Your Friends

Don't be afraid to enlist the help of your trusted crew. Dr. Carmichael suggests, 'Ask friends to review your profile. You might be surprised what signals you’re accidentally sending.' After all, who knows you better?

Best Dating Apps For 30s And 40s

Stay Consistent

Because of the casual nature of using dating apps, it can be easy to fall into an on-again-off-again relationship with them. But if you're serious about seeking a relationships and apps are your preferred tool to meet people, Dr. Carmichael suggests sticking to a rhythm. 'To avoid a 'yo-yo' pattern with apps, try using them for approximately 15 minutes per day, or whatever amount of time feels best for your situation,' she says. 'This approach helps clients who tend to spend hours on the apps one week, then get burnt out and ignore them for two weeks.'

Pick A Number

As many singles have learned the hard way, it's common to feel overwhelmed once you've started swiping. Dr. Carmichael suggests implementing some simple management methods to avoid getting inundated or burnt out too quickly. 'Try aiming for a ballpark number of first dates per month,' she explains. 'This helps you pace yourself, which can be helpful since, oftentimes, if you’re the 'new girl' on an app you will get inundated with messages. If you’re getting overwhelmed by more invitations than you can reasonably handle, tell the overflow inquiries that they sound great but you’re having a hectic couple of weeks and that you’ll reach out later in the month. This helps you avoid a 'feast or famine' situation.'

Take Baby Steps

Maybe you're still mending a broken heart or just not totally ready to give up your single status — and that's great. If you're curious about getting into the dating game, but not quite fully there yet, it's totally cool to start with baby steps. 'Even if you’re not ready to actually date, consider setting up a profile,' suggests Dr. Carmichael. 'It can be encouraging to 'dip your toe' into the dating pool by just setting up a profile to see who messages you. This way you also build up a store of potential dates for whenever you’re ready.'

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