Dating App With Foreigners

6/6/2022by admin
Dating App With Foreigners 8,6/10 720 reviews

If you are a foreigner interested in Korean culture, history, language, or music it's a logical step to look for a relationship with someone from the culture you so admire. However, if you're not of Korean descent you may find it difficult to break into the Korean dating scene. Koreans are known for somtimes being averse to relationships (especially romantic ones) with non-Koreans.

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As we'll see later in this article, the majority of the most popular dating apps in South Korea are made by Koreans for Koreans. Some well known western apps have found their way into the country, but they are usually more popular with foreigners living in Korea than with actual Koreans.

This makes online dating a bit difficult for a waeguk-saram. Native apps are usually only available in the Korean language, and there's even been reports that many will even kick you off the platform if you're not Korean.

Dating as a foreigner in America: Everyone thinks I’m just looking for a green card. Tell me about their dating app engagement rocketing after they erase their nationalities from their bios. Women generally outnumber men on this popular dating app, by a ratio of about 60% to 40%. Around 36% of users are 18 to 29, with just over 55% in the 30-49 range. Why It’s A Great App For Serious Relationships.

However, if you're a non-Korean the deck isn't completely stacked against you. There are some online options for foreigners who want to connect with Koreans in South Korea.

  1. What are the Dating apps in India to date foreigners? Here goes happn Adult Dating and Casual Sex in Your Area Hook UP Tinder Match.
  2. Not only is available in more than 50 countries and 12 languages — this tried-and-true dating website and dating app also has more than 30 million members, sees more than 13.5 million visitors a month, and is responsible for more romantic connections than any other dating service.
  3. ForeignGirlfriend is designed for men who are interested in meeting women from foreign countries for love, dating, and eventually marriage. The website is meant for men who are serious about finding an international woman to fall in love with, marry, and bring back to his home country.

In this article we'll share a top pick for foreigners looking to connect with Koreans in South Korea. We'll also include some other dating apps which are either more common with foreigners or generally exclusive to native Koreans.


Korean Cupid

Korean Cupid

Korean Cupid is the largest site focused on connecting foreigners and native Koreans for the hope of a romantic relationship. The site is owned in operated by Cupid Media, an Australian based company.

Cupid Media operates over 30 different niche dating sites. They use a combination of automated systems and user reporting to help curb spammers and scammers on their site. The site isn't 100% foolproof (no dating site is). Feel free to use the site safely, but as always watch for any warning signs.

Dating App With Foreigners Girls

'Korean Cupid is a very popular dating site in South Korea, and it’s hands down one of the best Korean dating sites in existence.

You’ll find plenty of real local women hoping to meet a foreign gentleman.

If you don’t mind hopping on a plane to meet the woman of your dreams, Korean Cupid is definitely worth a try.'

The profiles on Korean Cupid are what you would expect from any honest dating site. User profiles are often times very appealing, but other times not. It's not all that different from what you would expect in a real world dating environment (which is a good sign if you're looking for a serious relationship).

Again, this is the largest site specifically aimed at connecting foreigners with women in South Korea. If you're serious about finding a relationship with a Korean woman through a dating site, Korean Cupid is probably going to be your first and foremost choice.

Most popular dating apps in the country


The AMANDA app is the most popular dating app in South Korea

Best app to meet foreigners

The AMANDA dating app gets its name from a Korean acronym about meeting new people. AMANDA is the most popular dating app in South Korea. When you upload your profile on the app you are rated by other users on your appearance. If you get a sufficient rating you are allowed to use the app. If you don't, you're rejected and have to try again (usually with a better photo).

Once you're on the app you are free to 'like' other people's profiles. If another person likes you back the app will allow you to message each other.

Even though AMANDA is the largest dating app in South Korea that doesn't mean it's an easy way for foreigners to meet local Koreans. The app is entirely in Korean, so if you don't know the language good luck with navigating your way through the app. It's also rumored that foreigners have been knocked off the app for not being Korean.

The concept behind Noon Date is pretty straight forward: everyday at noon you are shown two user profiles. If you and one of those two users both 'like' each other on the app you will be free to message one another.

Much like AMANDA using Noon Date could be a long shot if you're a non-Korean. The app isn't in English, and you may encounter some online stigma for being a foreigner.


The most popular dating app in the West hasn't quite caught on in South Korea. While many young Koreans may know the app or at least its name, by and large Koreans tend to opt for other Korean apps like AMANDA.

There's a bit of local apprehension toward foreign dating apps, mostly because Koreans feel that Korean dating apps are more secure and reputable.

If your goal is simply to date IN South Korea, and not necessarily date Koreans, you are liable to find a lot of foreigners on the app in and around Seoul. But who knows, you may also be able to connect with a local. No harm in trying!

It's also important to point out that unless you're physically in South Korea you'll need to pay in order to search Tinder for users not near your locale.

Dating is hard, whether you go out with someone across the street or across the globe. If you're a foreigner and your heart is calling you to Korea there are some online options for making genuine romantic connections.

If you don't know the local language then Korean Cupid is your best bet. If you are proficient in Korean you can try your luck with some of the more popular dating apps in the country (bonus points if you look Asian).

All the sites mentioned in this article allow users to create some sort of free account and at least try the app out. If you're on the fence about any of them I recommend checking the site out for yourself to see if it's right for you.

Ukrainian dating sites are an elusive bunch. Let’s not beat around the bush and ignore the 800 lb gorilla in the room: it’s 2019 and everyone is online. Even my mom has been searching for her old classmates on some social networking sites. Of course, she’s not on some dating site, but you get the picture.

I do know that there are plenty of you who’re skeptical of the whole online dating and don’t believe that’s what “real” men do, but trust when I say that there are plenty of quality and sexy Ukrainian women out there and you’ll have a chance to find one for yourself. So, without further ado, here's our pick for the 5 best Ukrainian dating sites in 2019!

Quick answer – The best Ukrainian dating site

After hours of careful research and testing different accounts, we believe that the best Ukrainian website is Ukraine Date. It's affordable, easy to use and allowed us to connect with the best quality of women in the shortest amount of time. Feel free to signup for your free account here.

7 Best Ukrainian Dating Sites


We can’t really begin this list without talking about the 800 lb gorilla of the online dating sites: Tinder. Tinder started out big in the West, but then slowly conquered the globe with Eastern Europe no exception. The whole purpose of tinder in Ukraine is to match up with people very quickly and effortlessly. just like in the west, most of it for casual hookups.

While Ukrainian women are generally more relationship-minded than their Western counterparts, the fact of the matter is that Tinder is mostly used by the 20s demographic for quick sex. It’s a poor choice for someone who’s looking for a more serious relationship.


Badoo is basically Eastern European tinder with a dating site all rolled into one. While my experience on the site has been rather short, I felt that my success ratio had been a bit better than on Tinder, but I certainly wouldn’t hold my breath and hope to meet the future mother of my kids on that site. Moreover, many of the girls seemed awfully low quality and certainly not ones you’d ever want to bring home to your momma.

Meet Foreigners Online

While I want to mention this site to signify its existence, I can’t really see myself as a site where I’d be spending lots of time on. There are much better places to meet beautiful women.


Mamba is one of Eastern Europe's oldest dating apps that’s almost 20 years old. (It was established back in 2002.) It started out as a Russia-only site but quickly spread through the former-Soviet Union countries. Mamba is different from the previous “swipe-style” dating apps is that it’s more old school and similar to Match dot com that’s popular in the US market. Another thing about Mamba is that it’s mostly for the local market. While you may find some foreigners there, that’s pretty rare.

Still, the fact that it’s not overflowing with foreigners may either be an advantage or a disadvantage. Having said that, the overwhelming majority of people on there are also mostly looking for hookups and short-term relationships. Plus, there are also plenty of gold diggers and women looking for sponsorships. If you’re still interested, you can check it out there.


Dating App With Foreigners In London

Many of you are surprised to see Facebook on this list but make no mistake about it, Facebook is a solid place to find your next girlfriend or a fling. There are several ways of using Facebook as a dating site that I want to cover:

  • Engaging women you already know. One of my favorite ways to use Facebook as a dating app is basically adding women that I already know, but otherwise don’t have any other contact. For instance, this could be a woman that did some service for you at an office. So, you know her name, but didn’t have the balls (or felt it was inappropriate to ask her), so you look her up on Facebook and add her as a friend. Then, go from there.
  • Finding women you don’t yet know. Another way to use Facebook as a dating app is to look for attractive women and add them as friends. I have met a good share of women this way. Obviously, not all women will respond to your requests and accept your requests, but the ones that do might be open to going on a date with you.

The problem with this approach is that Facebook might not like the fact that you’re trying to add lots of women, especially if many of them either ignore your requests or reject them. This tells Facebook that you may not know these people in real life which Facebook doesn’t like.

Ukraine Date

OK, so we saved the best for last: last but not least, we have Ukraine Date, our favorite place for meeting high-quality women and the only site that we recommend here on Maverick Traveler. Ukraine Date is the only site that’s geared for meeting high-quality women that are actually looking for a real relationship and not merely some one-night stand.

Unlike Mamba and other sites, most of the women on the site actually prefer foreigners as opposed to local men. This makes it ideal for meeting a great woman to spend the rest of your life with. (Although, if you’re looking for a fling that’s cool, too.) While Ukraine Date is a paid site, you can create a free profile and begin browsing profiles right away.

Closing thoughts

There you have it, the best dating sites for meeting Ukrainian women in 2019. The list is a mix of paid and free sites, dating apps and even a regular social networking site—Facebook. While each one of the sites listed above enables you to meet a female for a date, our pick for serious relationships and even flings is without a date Ukraine Date.

It’s the only site that enables you to meet high-quality women and not random gold diggers like many others. Click here to create your free profile and start searching for the woman of your dreams.

For further reading about Ukrainian women, dating, and marriage, check out these articles.

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